Expat support
More and more companies are turning to the expertise of foreign knowledge migrants, also known as expats. An expat lives abroad and leaves everything behind to come and (temporarily) live and work in the Netherlands. If your company also wants to work with expats, then both the company and the expat must meet certain conditions.
First, your company must be Approved Referral. You start the procedure to become an Approved Referee at the IND. The complete application to become an Approved Referral can be handled by The Boys of HR for you.
Once you are a Recognized Referee and want to employ a knowledge migrant, you will need to submit an application to the IND for this as well. Such an application requires the submission of many documents. The Boys from HR support both the knowledge migrant and your company in this process, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.
The Boys from HR ensure that the expat has an appointment at the consulate in a timely manner so that he/she receives the entry document without delay. Should the knowledge migrant need assistance during his trip in the Netherlands, The Boys from HR are there to help.
Once the knowledge migrant is in the Netherlands, we also ensure that the knowledge migrant receives his BSN without delays. Often there is also the possibility of applying for a 30% rule (what exactly the 30% rule is you can read
). The Boys from HR check whether the conditions are met and then submit the request for application of the 30% rule to the tax authorities.